Lion and the Leopard
This is a really cool picture of a leopard suckling from a lioness. They currently do not know where the leopard mother is. They are...

Zookeeper killed by Tiger in UK
A zookeeper in the UK has been killed by a White tiger. This unfortunate accident is still being investigated. You can read more details...

International Cheetah Day
Today is International Cheetah Day! This day is set to raise awareness about the cheetah's falling numbers. We have lost over 90% of our...

1 lion recaptured, 1 killed after escape at German zoo
Link to Original article After 2 juvenile male lions escaped at the zoo overnight one, named Majo was corralled back into the enclosure,...

Lions have been rediscovered in Ethiopia National Park
Link to Original article With the lion population in a decrease across Africa, it is very exciting news to hear that up to 200 lions have...

Sponsor a cat in honor of "Adopt a cat" month
Please sponsor a cat as they NEED your help to survive. Please sponsor a cheetah HERE If you would prefer to sponsor a Dog to give to a...

Zinzi the cheetah
Link to Zinzi's story Link to Update on Zinzi Zinzi is a cheetah that was rescued in Namibia at the age of about 11 months. After a 3...

Smithsonian National Zoo Cheetah keeper Q&A
Link to Original Article This is a cool article on how the cheetah keepers train the cheetahs for blood draws specifically but health...

Interview with Cheetah Conservation Funds (CCF) Laurie Marker
Link for Interview Dr. Laurie has been helping cheetahs in Africa for over 40 years. She operates CCF and helps cheetahs in Namibia while...

Lions are getting pushed out of their habitat for lucrative development
Link to Mohawk Article Link to Why Lions are Escaping Link to #SaveSylvester One lion named Mohawk was killed because he injured a...

San Diego Zoos' cheetah has 6 cubs
Link to Original Article Addison just had her second litter. In her first litter she had 4 cubs, which is at the top of the average. In...
Cincinnati Zoo’s Smallest Cheetah Cub Loses Fight to Survive
Link to Original Article The runt in the litter of Willow (who died giving birth) has died. The other four cheetah cubs are still...
Nursery Dog Steps in as Surrogate Parent to Cheetah Cubs at the Cincinnati Zoo
Link to Original Article This article is about Willow, a five-year-old Cheetah and her cubs. Willow was not able to survive after an...