Cats of Africa
African Lion
Panthera leo

Lion prides can consist of up to 20 members, but usually have 4 to 11 members.
85% of the lions historic range has been lost due to hunting and habitat loss.
Africa had more than 200,000 lions; however now there are only about 30,000. (By clicking the picture above you will be redirected to a page that shows the hunting trophies of lions from 2010 - 2014).

When hunting together, lions have a success rate of about 30%.

Male lions can grow to be 420lbs and 3.9 feet tall at the shoulder. Females can grow to be 280lbs and 3.6 feet tall at the shoulder.

After a gestation of 100-119 days, lions give birth to 1-6 cubs, with 3-4 being average.

The cubs eyes open by 14 days old, and they start to eat meat around four weeks of age. They are weaned at six or seven months, and young males are driven out of the pride between 18 and 24 months of age. Cub mortality is very high in lions, and less than half will survive their first year.